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At deVere Vietnam we believe that the moment you reach that age of retirement should be the same moment you can finally reap the benefits you worked so hard to achieve. Furthermore, we understand the appeal of holding your retirement abroad.

However, you might find that retiring overseas could place you in a challenging position, especially when considering the true costs needed to support the desired lifestyle you would like to have during your retirement.
Our financial advisers in Vietnam can help you identify these factors, highlighting key areas to consider when reviewing your retirement plans, and give you various solutions.

Backed by the resources of the deVere Group, a leading financial advisory firm, we can carefully construct tailored retirement planning options that consider your needs and requirements, whilst helping mitigate potential taxation issues and giving you the best solution to your retirement plans.

Some of the questions you may have regarding retirement planning include:

  1. When should I start saving?
  2. What are the implications if I delay?
  3. Should I join my Employer's scheme?
  4. If I have an existing pension scheme in the UK should I consider a transfer?
  5. Am I contributing enough to fund my retirement plans?
  6. How much am I likely to receive and do I need flexibility in my income?
  7. Can I be more tax-efficient in my planning?

Taking the decision to retire in a foreign country also means that you have made the decision not to return to your home country and this brings a number of challenges but also opportunities.

Some of the options available to expats who plan to retire abroad include:

  • Transfer of UK pensions to a Self- Investment Pension Plan (SIPP)
  • Qualifying Non-UK Pensions (QNUPs)
  • Qualifying Recognized Overseas Pensions (QROPs)
  • Remaining in existing company scheme
  • Regular savings plans

Media contact

deVere Vietnam's Public Relations Department deals with all areas of the media and external communications including international, national, regional, local, trade, consumer, print, broadcast, social and online. The Department aims to provide a helpful service to journalists, broadcasters and editors, amongst others, and reply to all media enquiries, including urgent enquiries out of hours, within agreed deadlines. Our press office does not have access to client details and will not be able to assist with individual client enquiries. Please contact deVere Vietnam's Head of Public Relations on [email protected] or call +44 2071220925.